
25 February 2007

[1249] (2007-02-21)


  一、 2008年,美国会支持陈水扁宣布台湾独立!人民网强国社区(




  美国要协防台湾,而且要确保自己不付出太大的代价来协防台湾,是决定美国是否支持台湾独立的关键所在。我们不否认美国的战争能力,但是,美国会为了台湾,使自己与中国两败俱伤吗?会为了台湾,破坏美国的全球大战略吗?会为了台湾,使自己失去全球霸主地位吗?这是我们思考问题的关键所在。 人民网强国社区(

















  美国和台湾,利用2008年奥运会机会宣布独立,是对全球华人的挑战,是想扼杀全球华人爱国强国的伟大心愿,是想与全球炎黄子孙为敌,这会让全球华人同胞彻底看穿陈水扁之流的台独分子的卖国嘴脸,这意味着全球华人反台独统一战线的完全建立,所以,我收复台湾的任何手段,都必将得到全球华人的坚决支持!因为,陈水扁配合美国,想扼杀中国崛起进程,想扼杀中华民族伟大复兴,覆巢之下,安有完卵?没有强大的中国,海外华人的利益谁来保护?没有强大的中国,我14亿同胞的安全和利益谁来保护?所以,我们必须采取一切果敢的手段,也决不让美帝国主义和陈水扁台独分子的阴谋得逞! 人民网强国社区(




CG Tech

Toptrader Upgrades CG Tech to Strong Strong Buy!
Target Price for 2007 S$1.39!
Target Price for 2008 S$2.50!
Buy / Add on Short Term Support.

some highlights derived from annual report
FY2005 against FY2006 in Chinese Yuan
turnover from yuan 464m to yuan 707m, up 52%
gross profit 117m to 185m, up 57%
gross profit margin from 25.3% to 26.2%
net proift for FY2006 yuan 83.593m to yuan 134.790m
net profit margin from 18.0% to 19.1%
cash increased from yuan 135m to yuan 272m
inventory increased from 20m to 31m
trade receivables 62m to 83m
trade payables 14m to 29m
short term loan 19m to 0, meaning no outsatnding short term loan
long term secured loan from 0 to 157m due mainly to purchase of assets
net cash generated from operation 86m to 146m
net cash for investing activities 39m to 127m due mainly to purchase fixed assets for a cash of 110m
total shares outstanding 260m shares
eps 0.3477 to 0.5184
eps calculation: eps for FY2006 = net profit yuan 134.79m / 260m shares = yuan 0.5184 per share = S$ 0.104 per share
NAV per share = net asset value per share 1.11 to 1.55
taxation - 2 Longyan subsidiaries to pay tax from 15% to 27% from 01 Jan 07 onwards since tax relief expired main raw material used by CG relates to crude oil, thus oil price fluctuation will have direct impact to her profit margin
dividend per share yuan 0.075 = S$0.015
bonus shares issue 50% of existing shares, 130m shares in total, you get 1000 shares as bonus, CNY hongbao, if you have 2000 existing shares
over 90% turnover derived from PRC

A commentary at the date of the announcement of the significant trends and competitive strength
following events would be significant to CG's operations in the next 12 months.
The Group has begun the construction of a new plant for the production of polyester short fibre (“PSF”). The Group expects the construction to be completed by the end of third quarter of 2007 and plans to commence production in the fourth quarter of 2007. Upon completion, the new factory will have an annual PSF
production capacity of approximately 10,000 tons. The estimated payback period is about 3-4 years, which is in line with the Group’s current investments. Currently, the Group is producing both upstream raw materials for PSF, PET chips and downstream PSF yarn products. End products’ (garments’) functions and features such as ‘breathability’, anti-odour, infrared protection, etc, are mainly derived from the chemical and physical treatment during the production of PET chips and fibre. Therefore, by integrating the current PET chip production with the production of PSF, the Group will be able to offer its current and potential customers better-differentiated products. Moreover, the Group currently has to source for PSF to use as raw materials in its yarn production. By manufacturing PSF in-house, the Group will be able to create higher value for its customers and retain higher margins for its shareholders. Lastly, it is in line with the Group’s overall strategy of cusing on manufacturing differentiated premium quality and functional products.

The Group has also begun the construction of a new plant for the production of compact combed yarn. The Group expects the construction to be completed by the end of 2007 and plans to commence production in th first quarter of 2008. Upon completion, the new factory will have an annual production capacity of approximately 7,000 tons for compact combed yarn. The establishment of a compact combed yarn production facility is a natural progression of the current combed yarn production facility, which has commenced production in May 2006. Our annual capacity for combed yarn is approximately 6,000 tonnes. From May to December 2006, the combed yarn products have contributed turnover and gross profit of RMB101.3 million and RMB27.6 million respectively, representing 14% and 15% respectively of our Group’s turnover and gross profit for the year ended 31 December 2006. Our Directors believe that the rising affluence of the PRC population will spur demand for high quality textile products, which will increase the demand for raw materials required for the production of these products.Combed yarn and compact combed yarn are examples of such raw materials, capable of producing textiles of finer qualities. Combed yarn and compact combed yarn are strong, fine and smooth yarn which are used to produce high quality textiles which are mainly used in garments of finer quality. Based on our industry knowledge, the domestic supply of compact combed yarn products is insufficient to meet domestic demand, as manufacturing of compact combed yarn products requires special technical knowledge. The successful commencement of production for combed yarn products has equipped the Group with the necessary technical know-how to enter into the production of compact combed yarn products.The expansion of the production facilities for compact combed yarn products with higher margin than our
existing combed yarn products is part of our Group’s growth strategy of focusing on higher margin differentiated functional products with strong cash flows that are able to continuously enhance the overall profitability of the Group and shareholder returns
. - 7777777 appreciates the attitude of the management of CG Tech.

below is a quote from my blog posted on 01 Dec 06,
New product PSF
revenue = Yuan 18000/ton X capacity 10000 tons = yuan 180m =S$36m
GPM 30%, GP=36mX30%=S$10.8m
to start production 3Q2007

New product CCY (compact combed yarn)
revenue = yuan 31000/ton X capacity 7000 tons=yuan 217m=S$43.4m
GPM 32%, GP=S$43.4X32%=S$13.888m
to start production 4Q2007

Total GP for new products to be added=10.8+13.888=S$24.688m
total shares outstanding = 260m, eps for 2008 for newly added products portion only = (24.688X70%)/260 = S$0.066 for FY08,
eps FY06 0.108 tg 0.54-1.08 if pe=5-10
eps FY07 0.129 tg 0.645-1.29 if pe=5-10
eps FY08 0.222 tg 1.11-2.22 if pe=5-10

below is my revised estimates after a careful review,
New product PSF
revenue = Yuan 18000/ton X capacity 10000 tons = yuan 180m =S$36m
GPM 30%, GP=36mX30%=S$10.8m
to start production 4Q2007 (delayed 1 quater, see above)

New product compact combed yarn
revenue = yuan 31000/ton X capacity 7000 tons=yuan 217m=S$43.4m
GPM 32%, GP=S$43.4X32%=S$13.888m
to start production 1Q2008 (delayed 1 quarter, see above)

Total GP for new products to be added=10.8+13.888=S$24.688m
total shares outstanding = 260m
eps for 2008 for newly added products portion only = (24.688X70%)/260 = S$0.066 for FY08,

eps FY06 = 0.104 tg 0.52-1.04 if pe=5-10

eps FY07 = 0.104X1.333 = 0.139 tg 0.695-1.39 if pe=5-10 (note CG trading near lower band of the tg scope)

eps FY08 = 0.139X1.333+0.066 = 0.250 tg 1.25-2.50 if pe=5-10

Therefore, I upgrade CG Tech to strong strong buy.

CG Tech target price for 2007 is 1.39, implying an upside of 78% from current price of .78.

CG Tech target price for 2008 is 2.50.

Huat Arrh...


Live Trading Records for Week 19 Feb 07 to 23 Feb 07

Live Trading Records for 21 Feb 07, Wed

Sunshine cut remaining holdings .35 (bot .375)

Orchard Parade sold 1.19 (bot 1.12)

Mapletree sold 1.32 (bot 1.2800) (queued 1.29). daily macd divergent with price.

Banyan sold 1.69 (bot 1.66), daily macd divergent with price, trix divergent with price.

SinoTech sold 1.42 (bot 1.41), daily evening star still valid, dropped below short term support, daily macd sell signal.

ST Engg sold 3.36 (bot 3.34), weekly evening star still valid.

Wilmar sold 2.54 (bot 2.51), PE too high.

Tuan Sing sold .285 (bot .26), daily chart macd and trix sell signals, weekly chart single week reversal signal based on definition of Mr Jesse Livermore.

Stamford Land sold .425 (bot .424), weekly cloud cover confirmed by weekly volumes.

AdvSCT cut .700 (bot .738), below short term support, daily macd and trix sell signals, weekly macd and trix sell signals. storng support .68.

Luzhou cut .745 (bot .800), below short term support, below intermediate term support, below long term support.

Sun East sold .355 (changed from sell queue .36 to .355) (bot .34 on 16 Feb 07), weekly chart bearish single week reversal, daily chart bearish single day reversal. daily chart evening star, macd sell signal. FA: too much / abnormal receivables - refer a thread related to Sun East - Sun East seems never get paid - cause of concern.

Live Trading Records for 22 Feb 07, Thu

RafflesMG buy 1.17 filled on short term support.

RafflesEdu buy 2.20 filled on short term support.

Tanchong = TCIL buy 1.91 filled near short term support.

MMI bot 1.50, daily chart volumes increasing after contracting during correction, correction seems likely over.

Live Trading Records for 23 Feb 07, Fri

OCBC sell 8.90 filled (bot 7.80), daily chart bearish single day reversal, short term correction likely started.

Food Empire cut .905 (bot .93), sth is seriously wrong!

SMB United bot .265, breakout of short term double bottom correcting formation. min tg .285 / .305.


22 February 2007

Hi! Stock Lobang,

Thanks for the two books sent to me and for your guidance of openning them.
I spent a whole day to complete reading from cover to cover of the book - Trade Like Jesse Livermore. I learned something from Jesse Livermore said to be the greatest trader in the world.

Summary of the thoughts of Jesse Livermore

trend - buy only in an uptrend, short only in a down trend, which is the same as my rule in general.

one day reversal - very useful, finally I got a complete understanding of this important TA skill, though I learned from other books but did not understand fully. I used it to analyse a few stocks and found this concept very useful and important. I guess this concept can be extended to cover one week reversal and one month reversal, too.

probe buys - buy 20%, add 20%, add 20%, add final 40%.

buy new high

mandatory cut loss level - 10%, I lost big in Longcheer, China Life due to allowing loss to exceed 10%

buy at Pivotal point confirmed by heavy volume

buy at continuation pivotal point confirmed by heavy volume

buy at major pivotal point confirmed by heavy volume

buy only strongest market leaders in an industry group

never average down - I averaged down for both Longcheer and China Life despite initial paper losses

Give no tips - I'll learn to do that

Take no tips - I'll learn to do that, part of reason losing big in
Longcheer due to stubborn bullish view of DBSV

Play a lone hand - be secretive and silent in stock trading - I have to learn to do that

Never buy a stock on reactions (corrections - 7777777) and never short a stock on rallies - I buy most stocks on reactions, ie, buy at short term support during correction, which does not comply with Jesse, need to review.

Patience, patience, patience - wait for all factors in favor of you appear before committing trading capital. for me (7777777 = Toptrader), I need to wait for all the basic conditions set in my trading system to be mature before buying. but emphasize safety of trading capital as for selling, ie, sell once bearish signal appears, no need to wait for a lot of bearish sell signals to appear - that will be too late and cost me money.

Money management

story: Jesse Livermore suicided by shooting himself at last, a sad end...


Historical Teachings
人类历史上的两次大崩盘 - 跳楼的绝不仅是股价.


1929年10月29日,星期二,对于美国的经济以及股民来说,都是最黑暗的一天。上午10点,纽约证券交易所刚一开市,猛烈的抛单就席卷而来,“抛!抛!抛!”所有股票成了烫手的山芋,不计价格、不计成本,只要抛掉就好,经纪人被“抛”得发晕、交易大厅一片混乱,随之而来的就是道?琼斯指数一泻千里,股指从最高点386点跌至298点,跌幅达22%。这是纽约交易所112年历史上“最糟糕的一天”,以这个被称作“黑色星期二”的日子为发端,美国乃至全球进入了长达10年的经济大萧条时期。   全民炒股催生股市崩盘   对于这个黑色的梦魇,所有人都陷入恐慌和怨天尤人之中,但他们没有想到,这个日子的降临恰恰是他们自己催生的。这一切都要从美国经济大发展说起。   对于美国来说,第一次世界大战是个千载难逢的黄金机会,美国利用战争大发横财,战争结束后,美国由债务国一跃成为世界最大的债权国,纽约也取代伦敦成为世界金融中心。美国经济的突飞猛进,带来的是股市一派牛气,对于股民来说,一个黄金时代来到了。   为了吸引更多的游资,美国的券商雇佣大批股票推销员,在城市的街道,在乡镇的小路,在千家万户的门前,一遍遍向民众讲述炒股的好处,但他们却从不提及炒股的风险。民众的热情被激发起来,入市炒股成为全民的投机行为。   到1928年,股市几近疯狂。在地铁中,人们纷纷指责地铁公司没有在车厢里装上电传打字电报机,以致人们在乘车途中无法炒股。在波士顿的一家工厂,所有的车间都安放有大黑板,并有专人每隔一小时就用粉笔写上交易所的最新行情。在得克萨斯州的大牧场上,牛仔们通过高音喇叭收听电台的消息,实时了解行情。当乘客乘坐出租车时,司机会和乘客热情地讨论股票行情,就连宾馆门口擦皮鞋的小童也会向顾客介绍当天的热门股。   大多数股民都是炒短线,并非为了长期投资。在疯狂的投机热潮刺激下,纽约股市一涨再涨。所有投身其中的人们都未曾想到,泡沫终究有破灭的一天。当时股市的行情远远超出了经济发展的实际情况,而且很多炒股者都是以股票作为抵押,进行信用交易,一旦投机人信心下降,就必然要增加更多的保证金,而缺乏资金的投机者就只能抛售更多的股票来弥补,其结果就是股价进一步下跌。   1929年9、10月间,投机者的信心开始下降,股市崩盘开始于10月24日星期四的抛售狂潮,到10月29日,股市彻底崩溃。当天美国钢铁公司的65万股股票以每股179美元出售,却找不到一个买主,于是其股价开始下跌,就像传染病一样,紧接着一个接一个公司的股票都开始下跌,大崩盘终于来临。股票成为废纸,数字全无意义,一个煤炭公司的老板看着正在下跌的指示板,倒地死在了他经纪人的办公室里。无数昔日的“百万富翁”一觉醒来便一贫如洗。一些开船出海游玩的富人们回来后发现,他们已变成了身无分文的贫民。当时跳楼的绝不仅仅是股价。   股市的崩溃不仅使投机者一贫如洗,随之而来的是银行业的破产,美国经济瘫痪,西方经济的大萧条。股灾彻底打击了投资者信心,一直到1954年,美国股市才再次达到1929年的水平,股灾带来的黑色梦魇不堪回首。

1987年10月19日,星期一,又是一个十月,又是一段美国股民的黑色记忆。这一天美国股市又一次大崩盘,道-琼斯指数一天之内便重挫508.32点,装了特殊程序的计算机不停地在卖,任何试图使其稳定下来的努力都失败了。仅仅一天时间,美国的股票市场就大幅度缩水,其价值超过五千亿美元。这是一个“黑色星期一”,一个“华尔街历史上最坏的日子”。受美国股市崩盘的影响,伦敦、法兰克福、东京、悉尼、香港、新加坡等地股市也开始狂跌,“1929年的股灾又来了吗?”巨大的恐慌在投机者心中蔓延,昔日的情景再次重现,很多人由百万富翁沦为赤贫,精神崩溃、自杀的消息不绝于耳。   与1929年全民大炒股不同,这次危机,没有全民性的疯狂投入,但在危机爆发前,却同样是大量的热钱涌入。20世纪70到80年代,美国经济进入快速发展时期。从1982年开始,股指便一直上扬,到1987年,股市一派繁荣景象,这种繁荣吸引了大量游资,这些游资逐利而来,在股市上疯狂抬高股价,一个虚假的大泡沫又开始制造起来。与1929年一样,过度的炒作造成的泡沫必然会破裂。   这一天终于在10月19日降临了。当天纽约股票交易所内阴云密布,一片紧张气氛。各种股票价格纷纷疯狂下跌,当时价格变动是如此之快,使得联系交流的电话机都不够用了,电脑屏幕上显示的速度跟不上市场实际变化,《纽约时报》惊呼“一切都失去了控制”。就在这一天,当时世界头号首富萨姆?沃尔顿就损失了21亿美元,丢掉了第一的宝座。更悲惨的是那些将自己一生积蓄投入股市的普通民众,他们本来期望借着股市的牛气,赚一些养老的钱,结果一天功夫便在跌落的股价之中消失得无影无踪。   比1929年幸运的是,当时美国经济确实保持着比较高速的增长,股灾爆发只是对于投机炒作的一种调整,并没有导致整体的经济危机。事实上在股价狂跌不久,一些效益好的公司开始回购其股票,股价在一定程度上得以稳定。但其打击却仍然巨大,随之而来的是美国经济的一段长时间的停滞。


17 February 2007

TA Essence in my trading system

trend - most important, intermediate and long term trends measured by using simple multiple moving avearges must be up, there are about 200 counters only in SGX passed this filter, watchlists are constructed based on this filter.

price pattern - secondarily important, the nicer the better, the bigger the better, based on classical TA theory.

volume - must match with price actions based on classical price volume relationship theory.

gap theory - breakaway gap and exhaust gap most important, linking with price pattern and volume

Japanese candlestick theory

Elliott wave theory

classical technical indicators - MACD and TRIX

trading capital risk management system - not TA but based on TA

I'll write a TA book based on this trading system after making $100m.


Live Trading Records for Week 12 Feb 07 to 16 Feb 07
for live trading update by Toptrader

Live Trading Records for 12 Feb 07, Mon

RafflesMG sold 1.20 (bot 1.10 again last Fri).

Labroy Marine added 1.90 on short term support

Luzhou added .78, weekly volume evident strong accumulation in progress by manipulator, similar to that of KS Tech before its strong gain.

China Sky bot 1.33 on short term support, weekly volume evident strong accumulation in progress by manipulator, breakout of an intermediate double bottom correcting formation.

Mapletree Trust bot 1.28 on short term support, breakout of a short term double bottom correcting formation confirmed by a strong volume last Fri.

Wilmar added 2.50 on short term support. breakout of a short term double bottom correcting formation confirmed by a huge volume sessions ago.

Courage Marine bot .205 on short term support, breakout of a huge symmetrical triangle on the weekly chart confirmed by a huge volume.

Suntec Reit added 1.88 on short term support level, breakout of a minor double bottom correcting formation confirmed by a huge volume last Fri.

Live Trading Records for 13 Feb 07, Tue

Beauty China sold 1.02 (bot .937), daily chart evening star triggered short term correction which had driven price to short term support and rebounded off from it yesterday.

HK Land sold 4.40 (bot 4.33), daily chart macd and trix sell signals, sell for prudence.

Pac Andes cut .915 (bot .934), daily chart macd and trix sell signals plus double top correcting formation breakdown, sell for prudence.

China Energy sold 1.38 (bot 1.342 on average), breakdown of uptrend line support, breakdown of short term support at 1.38. but there is no evident bearish signals yet, exited for prudence only.

SP Land sold 9.25 (bot 8.681), daily chart long bearish candle. to buy back at short term support.

Sunshine cut .345 (bot .375) partially filled, breakdown of short term uptrend line support for a few days and could not climb back above it, both macd and trix dropped below 0 lines.

SMB cut .255 (bot .265), below short term support at .255.

StraitsAsia cut .74 at short term resistance (bot .755 sessions ago), below short term support.

Live Trading Records for 14 Feb 07, Wed

Midas cut 1.48 (bot 1.516), below short term support, but still supported by a short term uptrend line.

SGX cut 6.75 (bot 7.00), daily chart below short term support, both macd and trix sell signals out, weekly chart evening star (to be confirmed).

Sino Tech sold 1.48 11:44am (alert not received from iocbc) (bot at around 1.33 on average), daily chart evening star, short term correction likely to continue until touching short term support (based on market average cost) - buy back level.

MACQUARIE MEAG cut 1.20 (bot 1.21), below short term support 1.20. corrected 2 months so far, volumes heavy, 120m shares in total, distribution could be ongoing.

Live Trading Records for 15 Feb 07, Thu

Datacraft cut 1.17 (bot 1.28 cum div US$0.055 per share), below intermediate term support.

Sino Tech bot 1.41 on short term support.

Suntec sold 1.94 (bot 1.853), daily chart cloud cover. after selloff, it rose to 1.96 on par with record high, and both macd and trix buy signals out on the daily chart, thus cloud cover may have been neutralized, have to buy back at short term support (at 1.88 now).

SuperCoffee sold .995 (bot .97), weekly chart shooting star with huge volume, daily chart evening star to be confirmed. lost patience in the manipulator of this counter.

Allgreen cut 1.68 ( bot 1.70), below short term support, both macd and trix sell signals out on the daily chart. corrected 4 weeks but volumes did not contract much - cause of concern: distribution could be ongoing.

CHT sold .85 (bot .74), daily chart cloud cover, resulting in a short term correction, dropped to near short term support at .82 and rebounding off from it today, low .825, take profit by taking advantage of this oppportunity during short term rebound. expect correction to continue.

Hengxin cut .565 (bot .65), lost a whopping 13.1%! terrible! keep on dropping every day. fed up already!Finally, I decided to write it off. need serious reflection. dropped below uptrend line support, short term trend is down.

Sun Power sold .345 (bot .26 on 8 sessions ago), profit 30.7%. , profit taking looks strong, volume 33.5m against yesterday's 79m. hard cash is better than paper profit. expect short term correction to continue since common sense is telling me that it is unsustainable sitting on such a huge paper profit within a very short period. to enter again when appropriate.

Pine sold .68, majority filled (bot .64 on average), daily chart cloud cover.

MMI sold 1.48 (bot 1.20), daily chart evening star leading to current short term correction which will continue, to buy back when reaching short term support currently at around 1.40.

Live Trading Records for 16 Feb 07, Fri

Chip Eng Seng cut .39 filled (bot .40), below short term support.

Sun East bot .34 on short term support.

Tech Oil cut .835 filled (bot .84), below short term support, daily chart head and shoulders formation (SHS). high .84 so far today - just mentioned rebound tg .84 / .855.


12 February 2007

Live Trading Records for Week 05 Feb 07 to 09 Feb 07

Live Trading Records for 05 Feb 07, Monday

China Essence added .745, new high.

Pine added .66, new high.

FoodEmpire bot .905, partially filled, breakout of a micro double bottom correcting formation.

Labroy Marine bot 1.95, breakout of a solid intermediate rectangle correcting formation. iocbc failed to send me alert at 1.91, sth is wrong with iocbc system since switching to current trading platform, paid 2% more, sigh...

Star Cruises bot .46, corrected back to short term support coupled with contractions of volumes.

Capital Land added 6.95.

Live Trading Records for 06 Feb 07, Tue

China Energy added 1.43 and added 1.43, breakout of a nice symmetrical triangle correcting formation and pulled back to support at 1.43. new high, high 1.47 so far today.

ST Engg a quality brandname of Singapore, bot 3.34, added 3.34. pulled back to short term support. want safety of trading capital and potential capital gain, buy ST Engg, that's my slogan.

Tuan Sing bot .26, pulled back to short term support.

Sino Tech Fib added 1.31, pulled back to short term support level, this is likely to be the end of the technical retracement or shaking after breakout of the nice double bottom correcting formation.

Labroy Marine added 1.90 as planned, pulled back to short term support level, the neckline of the intermediate rectangle correcting formation.

Midas added 1.49, pulled back to short term support after breakout of an intermediate ascending triangle correcting formation.

Orchard Parade bot 1.12, pulled back to neckline of the mini double bottom correcting formation after breakout.

Live Trading Records for 07 Feb 07, Wed

AdvSCT added .74 on short term support, correction likely over.

Sunpower bot .26, breakout of a short term double bottom correcting formation, confirmed by a huge volume on the breakout day, yesterday, 06 Feb 07, min chart tg .27 (reached this morning) and .34.

SingPost sold 1.20 (average cost 1.065), bad news needs time to be absorbed by the market. technically, there is a requirement of technical correction to short term support at around 1.15. will re-visit it when it reaches short term support at around 1.15.

Wilmar bot 2.51, breakout of a short term double bottom correcting formation 2.28-2.50. wave 4 likely to be over and wave 5 likely to have commenced since wave 4 low of 1.28. min short term technical tg 2.72 for now.

Banyan Tree added 1.70, breakout of consolidation area 1.60-1.69, volume 2.3m so far today, correction since breakout of a nice double bottom formation 1.28-1.60 on 19 Jan 07 seems likely to be over. expect to rise to complete its min technical price objective of 1.92.

Raffles Medical sold 1.17 (cost 1.07), it drops a lot and lack of buyers during correction, better sell in good times and pick up on weakness.

StraitsAsia bot .755 near short term support at .74. manipulator is testing the market by pushing price up to .775 this morning and observe how many ppl want to sell at higher level. from the candle and the volume we can see that not many ppl are keen to sell at current level, thus, the manipulator understands that it's good time to lift the price at around current price level.

Live Trading Records for 08 Feb 07, Thu

Allgreen bot 1.70 on short term support.

SuperCoffee bot on breakout of double bottom correcting formation .88-.97, new high, min tg 1.06. short term support .97 / .92.

MMP bot 1.21 on breakout of an ascending triangle correcting formation 1.12-1.20, min tg 1.28.

China Energy added 1.38 on short term support cum uptrend line support, min tg 1.60.

Hengxin added .62, low .615 so far, bull flag reached its terminal stage, breakout impending! risk rating: very low. potential profit: high.

StarCrus cut .435 (bot .46 days ago), keep on dropping and below short term support now, strong support seen .30+ only.

StamfordLand bot .435, breakout of rectangle correcting formation .40-.43, min tg .46.

CSC test buy .25 filled, corrected 4 weeks coupled with significant contractions of weekly volumes, vividly describing exiting of weak speculators / traders.

Live Trading Records for 09 Feb 07, Fri

Luzhou bot .815, breakout of an intermediate downtrend line and breakout of a double bottom correcting formation confirmed by a huge volume of 20m+, weekly volumes displaying signs of strong accumulations similar to that of KS Energy but not stronger than later.

Delong bot .175, breakout of a retangle correcting formation confirmed by a huge volume and pulled back to short term support level.

ChipES bot .400, breakout of a minor double bottom correcting formation confirmed by a huge voulme and pulled back to short term support.

RafflesMG bot 1.10 (sold 2 sessions ago at 1.17) (partially filled) on short term support level.

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04 February 2007

Live Trading Records for Week 29 Jan 07 to 02 Feb 07

Live Trading Records for 29 Jan 07, Monday

UOB cut 18.70 (bot 19.10), symmetrical traingle broken down, gapped down, out first for safety of trading capital.

BBR cut .155 (bot .16), daily chart: both macd and trix sell signals out, weekly chart: evening star, an intermediate correction likely ongoing. sand issue likely to continue to be disliked by the market since sand ban is a material bad news.

CSC cut .27 (bot .285 / .27), daily chart: both macd and trix sell signal out, sand ban is a material bad news, out first for safety of trading capital.

Koh Brothers cut .45, bot at .48 , correcting double bottom formation was not confirmed, and bottoms were broken down intraday, a cause of concern, plus rose too much from low, and sand ban is a material bad news, out first for safety of trading capital.

Chip Eng Seng cut .395 (bot .395), daily chart: a minor double top broken down, macd sell signal out, sand ban is a material bad news, out first for safety of trading capital.

HwaHong sold .72 (bot .72 / .715), weekly chart: bearish cloud cover candlestick, an intermediate correction likely to have commenced. technical rebound tg at around .725. out first for safety of trading capital.

AllcoReit cut 1.13 (bot 1.16), daily chart: both macd and trix sell signals out.

Parkway sold 3.26 (bot 3.20), weekly chart: bearish engulfing.

Sino Tech Fib added 1.34 and added 1.34, corrected back to short term support as expected.

Seksun cut .44 (bot .44 / .45) partially filled.

Live Trading Records for 30 Jan 07, Tue

HK Land added 4.40

Live Trading Records for 31 Jan 07, Wed

LC Dev cut .225, both macd and trix sell signals out, broke down an ascending triangle correcting formation.

Seksun cut .435, weekly chart: bearish cloud cover, daily chart: breakdown of a minor double top formation, macd sell signal out.

Technics Oil bot .84, fully filled, corrected back to short term support after breakout of minor correcting formation.

SuntecReit bot 1.81, corrected back to short term support from new high.

Hengxin bot .68, test buy, bull flag likely to have completed judging from quick and consequtive contractions of volumes to low level.

China Energy added 1.41.

Sino Tech Fibre added 1.32, buy 1.31 not filled. corrected 3 days so far, volumes contracting swiftly, implying that this is a normal correction instead of a distribution.

Cosco cut 2.69, daily chart: both macd and trix sell signals are out.

MMP sold 1.17, entitled to div $0.0147 per share, daily chart: both macd and trix sell signals are out.

Live Trading Records for 01 Feb 07, Thu

DBS cut 22.40 (bot 22.50), weekly chart: evening star still valid.

AdvSCT bot .73, pulling back to short term support .725 coupled with contracting volumes after breakout of double bottom correcting formation and producing new high.

Pac Andes test bot .93, weekly chart: bullish! both macd and trix buy signals out, very nice and bullish signals, just like those of Singpost, volumes expanded 6 weeks sequentially, breakout of a huge round bottom correcting formation .635-.92, new high, min chart tg 1.20.

Banyan Tree bot 1.61, pulled back to short term support after breakout of a double bottom correcting formation.

Live Trading Records for 02 Feb 07, Fri

Ho Bee sold 1.51 (bot 1.49), concern: daily chart both macd and trix sell signals out, showed weakness in a strong bullish mood yesterday.

Datacraft bot 1.29, breakout of a nice round bottom correcting formation 1.12-1.26, gapped up at 1.28. support 1.28 / 1.26. min chart tg 1.40.

Midas bot 1.53, pulled back to near short term support at 1.52 after breakout of an ascending triangle correcting formation 1.35-1.52 coupled with a strong volume of 17.5 yesterday, Thu, weekly chart: rising three methods. min chart tg 1.69.

SGX bot 7.00, breakout of a minor double bottom correcting formation 6.45-7.00, min chart tg 7.55.

Capitaland bot 7.10, breakout of a minor double bottom correcting formation.

Live Trading Update:


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