
30 March 2012


SembCorp added at 5.23


29 March 2012


Sembcorp buy stop filled at 5.28 on 29 Mar 2012


27 March 2012


Ezion CFD(DMA)

short position stopped out at 0.98

not stopped out due to having bought CFD at .98 instead of CFD(DMA) because CFD(DMA) was shorted in the first place rather than CFD.

As a result, I have two different positions now!
CFD(DMA) short position 16 lots
CFD long position 16 lots

What a hell with Phillip CFD and CFD(DMA)!!!

must be very very carefeul next time.

Current status as of 03 Apr 2012
CFD(DMA) short position 16 lots (bought back at .98 on 02 Apr 2012)
CFD long position 16 lots (still in hand) - stopped out at .97 on 17 Apr 2012

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25 March 2012


pre-diabetes 有糖尿病前期征兆 会变成糖尿病吗?

有糖尿病前期征兆 会变成糖尿病吗?








  一、饮食调整。每天每餐所吃的糖、蛋白质、脂肪、粗纤维、维生素、微量元素等均应符合自己的生理需要。 避免超热量的饮食,适量植物蛋白,如:豆类,增食糙米等,以维持正常体重,同时要积极治疗血脂异常,长期坚持饮食疗法,少吃动物脂肪,限制富含胆固醇的食物如动物内脏、鱼子、蛋黄等的食用。






08 March 2012


Ezion shorted at 0.90

weekly chart evening star

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06 March 2012


KepCorp stopped out at 10.88

Bought at 10.6919 on average (factoring in bonus issue and odd lots buying to round up the bonus shares to one lot, but excluding dividends of two times received so far) on 04 & 30 Mar 2011, dropped to 7.02 on 05 Oct 2011! Risk management is zero in this case though I did have a stop loss level in my mind! Finally, it recovered to a high of 11.10 on 02 Mar 2012. I fighure it is time to tighten the stop loss level which is set at 10.88, 2 cents lower than the low on 28 Feb 2012.

Overall, only blue chips such as Kepcorp , Sembcorp , index funds STI ETF and Nikko AM STI ETF100 are still above water in my portfolio, while those non-blue chips such as China Milk, Leader Env, Midas and Sunpower are deep in the water and they may never recover to my buy levels again. However, I still have faith in Noble, NOL and COSCO.

Obviously, risk management is the key in trading; Blue chips are the choices even for trading only.

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05 March 2012


SembCorp stopped out at 5.28

Bought at 5.48 on 28 Apr 2011, dropped to 3.21. Risk management is zero in this case though I did have a stop loss level in my mind! Finally, it recovered to a high of 5.39, near the buy price of 5.48. I fighure it is time to tighten the stop loss level which is set at 5.28 below lows of previous two trading days.


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