
30 September 2014



stopped out with 1R loss.


26 September 2014


The Best Way To Buy Stocks If You Fear A Market Crash - Dollar-Cost Averaging

By Andy Kiersz

Investing in the stock market can be extremely frustrating for those who look back on the big rally they missed and nerve-wracking for those who believe the may be putting money into the market at the top.

The S&P 500 has roared almost 200% from its March 9, 2009 low close of 676 to its high of 2,011 on September 18.

With today's big market selloff, some are worrying that we've seen the market peak. This obviously would make investors extremely hesitant to buy stocks for fear of a big decline or perhaps a crash.

However, obsessing over this risk could lead to analysis paralysis because you can never know with certainty if the market will indeed crash. And those who constantly stay out of the market for fear of losing money will miss out on some of the best opportunities to buy.

Fortunately, there is a very basic investing strategy that can save investors from losing too much hair as they make the decision to buy stocks. It's called dollar-cost averaging.

There's A Correct Way To Buy Stocks As The Market Is Crashing
The stock market is great for investors who have the benefit of long-term investing horizons. It's also better-suited for investors who aren't concerned about perfectly-timing market tops and bottoms.

Having said that, taking a longer term view is good for investors worried that they may be buying at the top of the market.

A classic strategy called dollar-cost averaging can help reduce risks surrounding an asset falling in price. The concept is straightforward - you invest a fixed amount of money in an asset once every fixed time period. If the asset's price drops, you will be getting more shares of the asset for the same amount of money, and so if and when the price recovers, you will have spent less per share, on average, than if you had bought the shares at their peak, pre-fall price.

Dollar-cost averaging isn't about losing money as the stock market falls. It's about buying increasing amounts of shares at cheaper prices, which means bigger returns during the rally.

How Dollar-Cost Averaging Worked Brilliantly During The Last Crash
To see this in action, we came up with a simplified thought experiment.

We considered what would have happened to an investor jumping into the stock market at the last peak: October 2007. This was arguably the worst time to buy. Our hypothetical investor puts $50 into a S&P 500 index fund at the start of every month, starting in October 2007 — the last stock market peak before the beginning of the great recession.

The index dropped more or less steadily until the worst moments of the financial crisis in fall 2008, causing the full on crash, and only began to turn around in March 2009.

The key to our investor's experiment is that they are staying consistent. No matter how stock prices move, they will always put $50 every month into the index fund.

Based on changes in the value of the S&P 500 index, we calculated our investor's price return, less the $50 monthly cost:

The value of our investor's portfolio as of September 1, 2014 is $6,563.97. If they instead had taken their $50 each month and held it as cash, they would have just $4,200. So, the price return on this investment — even though they started at the last peak, just before the market started to go downhill — is $2,363.97.

This is a respectable 56% return. That averages out to about a 6.5% annual rate of return.

To get another perspective on this, here is the percent gain or loss, compared to taking $50 each month and holding it as cash:

Things start out looking pretty dire, as the economy fell into its deep recession through mid-2009, with the S&P 500 reaching a minimum in March of that year. At the lowest point for our investor, at the start of February 2009, she would be down about 36%.

Because human beings are often overly risk-averse, our hypothetical investor might have been tempted to abandon their investment plans during the bad months. That is, they might look at this chart and panic about the drop:

But, if our investor sticks with their plan and keeps putting $50 in every month, even through the dark times, once the market bounces back, they end up doing quite well:
Here's Why You Never Hear About This
Unfortunately, dollar-cost averaging isn't sexy. It's much sexier to sell at the top and buy at the bottom.

Obviously, your returns would be much higher if you win the stock market lottery by perfectly timing the tops and bottoms of the market. However, almost everyone who tries to do this will find themselves losing money and lots of it.

If you are investing for the long haul, and can hang on through watching your portfolio's value drop temporarily in bad times, starting to invest in stocks, even near a peak, may not be as terrifying as it looks. The market has always bounced back sooner or later, so if you can hold on until that later, don't panic.


25 September 2014



1.多与女性相处。 美国抗衰老研究所的最新研究表明,与女性接触较多的男性寿命更长。幸福的婚姻能改善生活质量,延缓衰老。

2.追求更好的物质生活和更高的精神境界。 英国学者研究发现,拥有充足的物质财富和精神财富的人,能享受到营养饮食、良好的医疗条件及丰富的业余生活。而这类人身上会分泌一种激素,有助于降低心血管疾病风险,延年益寿。

3.微胖体重。 英国科学家在12年间对1万名成年人进行调查发现,略微超重的人比体重合格者死亡率更低。

4.开口唱歌。 美国耶鲁大学学者进行的研究发现:经常唱歌比服用维生素对健康的促进功效更大。唱歌不仅有助于减压,还能锻炼心脏、肺部、腹腔和背部。

5.合理性生活 。英国一项调查显示,拥有健康性生活的夫妇看起来会年轻7岁,这或许是因为性生活能减轻压力、满足感更强和睡眠质量更好。研究者对威尔士人群进行的大规模长寿调查项目显示:与每周进行两次性生活的人相比,每个月性生活不到一次的人早亡风险会增倍。

6. 爱养花草。 园艺劳动能保护心血管、锻炼肌肉柔韧性等。1小时的园艺劳动相当于散步5英里(约8千米)。

7.适当吃冷餐。 适当吃“冷餐”能增强胃肠功能,提高机体免疫力。如沙拉拌菜,最大限度保存了蔬菜中的维生素,减少了煎炒炸,在一定程度上减少了致癌物质的生成。

8.学者大师多长寿。 丹麦一项调查显示,创造力强的人,往往寿命越长。创造力强的人平时用脑多,认知能力比一般人要下降得慢,患慢性病的几率也略低。

9.饿一饿寿命长。 美国科学家最新研究发现,定期饿一饿,可以提高大脑功能,减轻体重,进而有助于延长寿命。研究还表明,定期禁食有益于长寿的机理与动物冬眠十分相似。

10.饮茶防癌。 茶叶中所含多酚类,具有清除自由基与抗氧化作用。有动物实验表明,用绿茶或红茶处理动物可使食道癌、胃癌或皮肤癌减少70%。




bought at 1.75.


24 September 2014



short position covered at 55.50 at profit. Well done!


23 September 2014



stopped out at 70.17 with 1R loss.


22 September 2014



added at 1.93. RSI at 20.


19 September 2014



sold at 194.11 at profit, well done!


14 September 2014


4对超强食物组合 绿茶+柠檬抗癌







04 September 2014



sold at 31.46 at profit, well done!




sold at 61.10 at profit, well done!


03 September 2014



sold at 83.95 at profit, well done!




sold at 45.48 at profit, well done!




sold at 74.88 at profit, well done!


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