
06 April 2007

Live Trading Records for Week 02 Apr 07 to 06 Apr 07

Live Trading Records for 02 Apr 07, Mon
Miyoshi sold .31, profit 12.7%
Ouhua sold .475, profit 13.1%
Middle East Dev sold .24, profit 15.4% (bot .26 and got 50% rightsshares free of charge which was sold at .12 per share earlier)
China Sky sold 1.53, profit 13.3
Zhongguo Power Plus bot .31
Chip Eng Seng added .395
Sino Env bot 3.52
BBR bot .16
UIC added 2.93
China Haida bot .295
JurTech bot .81
China Fish bot 4.50
AdvSCT bot .75
Ausgroup added .675
Tat Hong bot 1.41
Sunpower bot .425


ASL sold 1.00, profit 5.3%
Ausgroup sold .675, profit 4.6%
Auston sold .335, profit 4.7%
Beauty China sold, profit 0%
Bread Talk sold .41, profit 0%
Broadway sold .845, profit 3.7%
CapitaRChina sold 3.06, profit 0%
CapMall sold 3.74, profit 0%
China Energy sold 1.17, profit 0%
China Farm sold .700, profit 6%
China Milk sold 1.29, profit 7.5%
Chip Eng Seng sold .385, profit 2%
City Dev sold 14.6, profit 1.2%
Cityneon sold .445, profit 5.9%
CNA sold .59, profit 9.3%
Comfort sold 1.99, profit 3.1%
CSC sold .255, profit 10.9%
CWT sold .955, profit 1.6%
DMX sold .58, profit 0%
Hiap Seng sold .735, profit 2.1%
Hongguo sold 1.23, profit 0%
Jiutian sold 2.15, profit 10.3%
K-Reit sold 3.22, profit 0%
Kep Land sold 9.60, profit 3.8%
KS Energy sold 2.91, profit 2.1%
Longcheer sold .735, profit 0%
Luzhou sold .675 / .665, lost 1.5%
Macqaurie Inf sold 1.11, profit 0%
Midas sold 1.68, profit 6.3%
MMI sold 1.64, profit 3.8%
OCBC sold 9.00, profit 2.8%
Pan United Corp sold .87, profit 3.6%
Pan UM sold 1.85, profit 4.5%
Parkway sold 3.34, profit 3%
PFood sold 1.52, profit 4.8%
Rotary sold .975, profit 4.3%
SC Global sold 4.68, profit 1.7%
SembKim sold .665, profit 1.5%
Sino Tech sold 1.34, profit 1.5%
SMRT sold 1.49, profit 0%
SP Chem sold 1.08, profit 0%
SSH sold remaining positions .265, profit 3.9%
ST Engg sold 3.36, profit 1.2%
Suntec Reit sold 2.00, profit 3.1%
Swiber sold 1.33, profit 3.1%
Swissco sold .645, profit 2.4%
TPV sold .97, profit 1%
UIC sold 2.96 / 2.95, profit 6.1%
UnionMet sold half .66, profit 3.1%
Wheelock sold 3.34, profit 5.7%
Yongnam sold .28, profit 0%
Tat Hong sold 1.45, profit 2.8%
Ausgroup sold .67 (bot .675 today)
UIC sold 2.95 (bot 2.93 today)
China Fish sold 4.52 (bot 4.50 today)
CNA sold .59 (bot .595 today)

Amara sold .635, profit 3.3%
Bonvests sold 1.97, profit 0%
Capital Land sold 7.90, profit 5.3%
Ezra sold 5.40, profit 4.8%
FerroChina sold 1.69, profit 9.0%
Koh Bro sold .385, profit 18.5%
Synear sold 1.99, profit 3.1%
Tuan Sing sold .28, profit 12%
UE sold 3.26, profit 5.8%

Live Trading Records for 03 Apr 07, Tue
JurTech sold .82, profit 1.2%
Chip Eng Seng sold .395, profit 0%
China Haida sold .305, profit 3.4%
AdvSCT sold .74, lost 1.3%
Allco Reit sold 1.29, lost 0.8%
Aqua Terra sold .45, lost 1%
Ascot Reit sold 1.98, lost 4.3%
Asia Water sold .725, lost 1.4%
China Life sold .34, lost 3.7%
FJBen sold .705, profit 0%
F&N sold 5.20, profit 0%
GMG sold .13, profit 0%
Jadason sold .235, profit 0%
Madarin sold 1.90, lost 5.9%
Maple sold 1.29, lost 0.7%
Mediaring sold .385, lost 3.8%
Zhongguo Power Plus sold .315, profit 0%
Sunpower sold .43, profit 0%
Sino Env sold 3.46, lost 1.1%
Sing Inv sold 2.01, profit 0%
Sinopipe sold .34, lost 4.3%
Sinwa sold .52, profit 0%
SMB sold .28, profit 0%
Soilbuild sold .965, profit 2.6%
Stamford sold .41, lost 1.2%
Sunvic sold .75, lost 4.5%
Unionsteel sold .38, profit 1.3%
UnionMet sold .655, profit 2.7%
UOBK sold 1.53, profit 0%
UOB sold 21.2, profit 1%
UOL sold 5.25, profit 1%
Westech sold .265, profit 1.9%
AutoTouch sold .14, lost 3.4%
Beng Kuang sold .445, lost 2.2%
Golden Agri sold 1.76, lost 0.6%
Guangzhao sold .195, profit 5.4%
HL Fin sold 4.02, profit 2.3%
Pine sold .635, profit 3.1%
See Hup Seng sold .485, lost 1%
Seksun sold .555, lost 1.8%
Soilbuild sold .945, lost 0.5%
Swiber sold 1.34, profit 1.5%
Kingboard bot .44[/quote]

Live Trading Records for 04 Apr 07, Wed
Gent bot .92
SGX bot 6.75
AdvSCT bot .765
UnionMet bot .66
Lian Beng bot .305
Koh bot .400 / .395
Chip ES bot .415
CSC bot .265
BBR bot .155 / .155
Courage M sold .22, profit 0%
Sino Tech bot 1.40 added 1.39
Spore Tel bot 3.38, added 3.36

Live Trading Records for 05 Apr 07, Thu
Seksun bot .585
AsiaFP bot .805
JEL bot .365 added .36
LottVision bot .275 added .27
Luzhou bot .69, added .715
Wilmar bot 2.82
Cambrige bot .84
Oakwell bot .13
ASL bot 1.06 added 1.05
Innovalu bot 1.38 added 1.37
Jiutian bot 2.24
Sinwa bot .51
China Milk bot 1.33
China Energy bot 1.23 added 1.22
Tiongwoon bot .575
Raffles MG bot 1.26


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