15 March 2008
Live Trading Records for 10 Mar 08, Mon
UniAsia short covered .66, +8.3%
Pine short covered .15, +18.9%
Capland short covered 5.56, +7.2% , manipulation tool of BBs for jacking up STI, bot back by taking advantage of low price at present.
ChinaOilField short covered .405, +11.0%
StraitAsia shorted 3.17
ChinaXLX shorted .77
ChinaHX added short .54
CSC shorted .265
Live Trading Records for 11 Mar 08, Tue
CityDev short covered 10.22, +7.3% , to avoid paying lending fee, manipulation tool of BBs for jacking up STI, tending to rise near closing
Banyan short covered 1.17, -0.9%, darn stable, to avoid paying lending fee
StraitsAsia short covered 3.27, -3.2%, movement difficult to forecast
Osim short covered .36, -10.8%
Metro short covered .755, +0.7%
Sinostar short covered .305, -3.4%
ChinaHX short covered .565,
Celestial short covered .56, +/-0.0%
NOL short covered 3.27, -7.9%
ChinaXLX short covered .785, -1.9%
CSC short covered.27, -1.9%
FirstRes shorted .92, covered .945, -2.7%
HKLand shorted 4.16, covered 4.18, -0.5%
Cosco bot 3.29
HSImblECW080328Q bot a bit .205, sold .20 due to painful memory in playing warrants overnight in the past
STX bot 2.92
Live Trading Records for 12 Mar 08, Wed
Jaya bot 1.34 sold 1.34, +/-0.0%
YZJ bot .965 sold .93, -3.6%
Synear bot .575 sold .55, -4.3%
Lianbeng bot .415 sold .41, -1.2%
Fibrechem bot .76 sold .695, -8.6%
Noble bot 2.24 sold 2.22, -0.9%
UOB bot 18.08 sold 18.12, +0.2%
Olam bot 2.30 sold 2.21, -3.9%
Yanlord bot 2.24, added 2.20, sold 2.14, -3.6%
NOL bot 3.31 sold 3.29, -0.6%
HLAsia bot 2.49 sold 2.41, -3.2%
COSCO sold 3.28, -0.3%
STX sold 2.97, +1.7%
very easy to lose money
very difficult to make money
today's trades were done in a hurry, lacking proper planning and technical basis (no trading setup except Jaya), which leads to complete failure.
I have also reviewed exit strategy for shorts in my trading system. My existing trading system solved the problem of entry of a short position nicely but failed to solve the exit problem. I found that using proper trailing stop - letting Mr Market stops me out of a short position instead of exiting at a subjective price or due to fear or uncertainty is a more objective way to maximise profit potential of a short position.
UniAsia short covered .66, +8.3%
Pine short covered .15, +18.9%
Capland short covered 5.56, +7.2% , manipulation tool of BBs for jacking up STI, bot back by taking advantage of low price at present.
ChinaOilField short covered .405, +11.0%
StraitAsia shorted 3.17
ChinaXLX shorted .77
ChinaHX added short .54
CSC shorted .265
Live Trading Records for 11 Mar 08, Tue
CityDev short covered 10.22, +7.3% , to avoid paying lending fee, manipulation tool of BBs for jacking up STI, tending to rise near closing
Banyan short covered 1.17, -0.9%, darn stable, to avoid paying lending fee
StraitsAsia short covered 3.27, -3.2%, movement difficult to forecast
Osim short covered .36, -10.8%
Metro short covered .755, +0.7%
Sinostar short covered .305, -3.4%
ChinaHX short covered .565,
Celestial short covered .56, +/-0.0%
NOL short covered 3.27, -7.9%
ChinaXLX short covered .785, -1.9%
CSC short covered.27, -1.9%
FirstRes shorted .92, covered .945, -2.7%
HKLand shorted 4.16, covered 4.18, -0.5%
Cosco bot 3.29
HSImblECW080328Q bot a bit .205, sold .20 due to painful memory in playing warrants overnight in the past
STX bot 2.92
Live Trading Records for 12 Mar 08, Wed
Jaya bot 1.34 sold 1.34, +/-0.0%
YZJ bot .965 sold .93, -3.6%
Synear bot .575 sold .55, -4.3%
Lianbeng bot .415 sold .41, -1.2%
Fibrechem bot .76 sold .695, -8.6%
Noble bot 2.24 sold 2.22, -0.9%
UOB bot 18.08 sold 18.12, +0.2%
Olam bot 2.30 sold 2.21, -3.9%
Yanlord bot 2.24, added 2.20, sold 2.14, -3.6%
NOL bot 3.31 sold 3.29, -0.6%
HLAsia bot 2.49 sold 2.41, -3.2%
COSCO sold 3.28, -0.3%
STX sold 2.97, +1.7%
very easy to lose money
very difficult to make money
today's trades were done in a hurry, lacking proper planning and technical basis (no trading setup except Jaya), which leads to complete failure.
I have also reviewed exit strategy for shorts in my trading system. My existing trading system solved the problem of entry of a short position nicely but failed to solve the exit problem. I found that using proper trailing stop - letting Mr Market stops me out of a short position instead of exiting at a subjective price or due to fear or uncertainty is a more objective way to maximise profit potential of a short position.
Labels: Live Trading Records, Stock Trading System