
30 May 2008

[quote="7777777"]Hi everybody,

How are you doing recently?

I have no writing access to my thread since 16 May 08 due to some reason in my home PC. could not solve until now.

I began full time work on 20 May 08 after being a full time trader for near one year. I was forced to give up full time trading due to bad market conditions. I'm not sure when I can come back to that path.

I managed to do a few trades recently,

[b]FerroChina [/b]bot 1.66
[b]IndoAgri [/b]bot 2.50
[b]JES [/b]bot .41
[b]Sunvic [/b]bot .39

I'm trying to add [b]Sunvic [/b]near .40, seems manipulator has determined to lift the price whatever happened in the market place.

good luck!



Hi TopTrader,

I believe this is only a recess, and you will come back soon to full time trading and become TopTrader.
hi top trader,

can't find your email online and can only leave a comment for you.

most of us have been through a bad market patch before, and we're really interested in creating a network of support for traders, online and offline.

I noticed that quite a bit of traffic is sent to our blog from your website. perhaps we can find a way to work together?

One more thing, as our title has changed, would really appreciate if you can change the blog name on your roll from "kelvinhan" to "V3Go Blog".

much appreciate your kind action.

Edmund Seow
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