08 February 2018
My CPF Online Services - Important Information Before Investing
You can use your Ordinary Account savings for CPFIS - OA investments and your Special Account savings for CPFIS - SA investments.
You cannot invest the first $20,000 in your Ordinary Account and the first $40,000 in your Special Account. However, you can continue to service your regular premium insurance policies bought before 1 January 2001 (but not recurring single premium insurance policies or regular savings plans for unit trusts) and agent bank fees even if your Ordinary Account balance falls below $20,000.
The stock and gold limits are updated monthly on the 11th (or 12th if 10th is a Sunday/Public Holiday) using your CPF balances at the end of the previous month.
Any investment in Stocks or Gold may reduce the amount available for Professionally Managed Products and vice versa.
Please take into account your next housing instalment (if any) and investment trades pending settlement. The total amount that you intend to use for investment and other CPF Schemes cannot exceed the balances in your Ordinary, Investment (if any) and Special Accounts.
Professionally Managed Products refer to:
Fixed Deposits
Insurance Policies*
Unit Trusts*
Singapore Government Bonds
Singapore Government Treasury Bills
Statutory Board Bonds
Bonds Guaranteed by Singapore Government
Fund Management Accounts (you cannot invest your Special Account savings in this)
Exchange Traded Funds*
(* Please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions on CPF Investment Scheme for the risk classification tables for unit trusts, investment-linked insurance products and exchange-traded funds which Special Account savings can be invested in.)
Stocks refer to:
Property Funds
Corporate Bonds
Loan stocks
You cannot invest the first $20,000 in your Ordinary Account and the first $40,000 in your Special Account. However, you can continue to service your regular premium insurance policies bought before 1 January 2001 (but not recurring single premium insurance policies or regular savings plans for unit trusts) and agent bank fees even if your Ordinary Account balance falls below $20,000.
The stock and gold limits are updated monthly on the 11th (or 12th if 10th is a Sunday/Public Holiday) using your CPF balances at the end of the previous month.
Any investment in Stocks or Gold may reduce the amount available for Professionally Managed Products and vice versa.
Please take into account your next housing instalment (if any) and investment trades pending settlement. The total amount that you intend to use for investment and other CPF Schemes cannot exceed the balances in your Ordinary, Investment (if any) and Special Accounts.
Professionally Managed Products refer to:
Fixed Deposits
Insurance Policies*
Unit Trusts*
Singapore Government Bonds
Singapore Government Treasury Bills
Statutory Board Bonds
Bonds Guaranteed by Singapore Government
Fund Management Accounts (you cannot invest your Special Account savings in this)
Exchange Traded Funds*
(* Please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions on CPF Investment Scheme for the risk classification tables for unit trusts, investment-linked insurance products and exchange-traded funds which Special Account savings can be invested in.)
Stocks refer to:
Property Funds
Corporate Bonds
Loan stocks
Labels: CPF
06 February 2018
Interactive Brokers - How to Close Your Account
Complete the following steps to close your account at IB. Note that for USD-based accounts, we will initiate an ACH transfer based on an ACH bank instruction you have on file. If you have more than one ACH bank instruction on file, you will have the opportunity to select one. If you do not have any ACH bank instructions, we will issue a check to your U.S. mailing address on file. For all non-USD based accounts, we will issue a wire based on the banking instruction on file.
Liquidate or Transfer Positions
Accounts with positions cannot be closed. You must either liquidate, or transfer all positions to another brokerage firm. Please contact your broker for transfer instructions.
To check your positions, log in to Account Management and select Reports > Activity. View your latest statement to verify that all positions have been liquidated or transferred.
2. Convert Foreign Currencies
Closing withdrawals may only be made in your base currency. You must convert any foreign currency you may hold back to your account's base currency. Be sure to check your statement and consider any dividend or interest accruals. The conversion can be processed using the Trader Workstation FXTrader. IB will automatically convert non-Base currency balances when you submit a close account request and the balances are below USD 1,000 equivalent. If you need assistance with the conversion process please contact our Trade Desk.
Verify Bank Wire Instructions
For all non-USD based accounts, we will issue a wire based on the saved bank information (instruction) on file. If you do not have any saved bank information (instruction) for a Wire Withdrawal, create one.
Return Secure Login Device
If you participate in the Secure Login System, you must return your secure login device. Cash balances will be reduced by the cost of the device (between USD 20 and USD 150 depending on device) until the secure login device is returned.
For more information regarding how to return the device please contact our Technical Assistance Department or visit our web site: http://ibkb.interactivebrokers.com/node/975
IRA Accounts Withdrawals
IRA account holders will need to complete an IRA Withdrawal on the Funding > Fund Transfers page in Account Management and specify the type of withdrawal for government tax reporting purposes.
6. Ensure Recent Deposits Have Cleared
All recent deposits, such as ACH, check and wire transfers, must have time to clear according to the Customer Deposit Credit and Hold Periods policy before your request to close your account can be honored.
See the Funding Reference for details on credit and hold periods:
Check Statements and Tax Forms
To access activity statements and tax forms, log in to Account Management and open the Reports menu.
This information will only be available for a limited time after your account is closed. You will need to save your username and password for future access to statements.
Close Account
1. After you have completed all of the previous steps, log in to Account Management and select Manage Account > Settings > Close Account.
• For USD-based accounts only, we will initiate an ACH transfer if you have an existing ACH bank instruction. If you have more than one ACH bank instruction, select the ACH bank instruction you wish to use from the drop-down list on the Close Account page.
• For USD-based accounts only, if you do not have an existing ACH bank instruction, you can either create one in Account Management on the Fund Transfers page or we will issue a check to your U.S. mailing address on file. In the latter case, confirm that we have your correct U.S. mailing address by checking the address displayed on the Close Account page.
To make changes, open the Profile page in Account Management by selecting Manage Account > Account Information > Details.
2.Specify the reason you are closing your account by clicking the appropriate check boxes.
3. Click the Submit button to submit your request.
Your account will generally be held open for up to three months after you receive your closing withdrawal to collect any possible future fees, dividends, interest, or corporate actions. After that time, your account will be closed permanently.
4.Check back to see if any balance has been created on future statements.
5.You can view the status of your request to close your account by logging in to Account Management and selecting Manage Account > Settings > Close Account > Status.
If the above criteria are not met, our system will be unable to process your account closure request. Inactivity fees will continue to be deducted from an account until the above steps are completed, including the return of any Secure Login System device. Also note that funds held to secure the return of the security device may not be withdrawn until the device has been returned, and will be applied to meet any inactivity or market data fees.
Liquidate or Transfer Positions
Accounts with positions cannot be closed. You must either liquidate, or transfer all positions to another brokerage firm. Please contact your broker for transfer instructions.
To check your positions, log in to Account Management and select Reports > Activity. View your latest statement to verify that all positions have been liquidated or transferred.
2. Convert Foreign Currencies
Closing withdrawals may only be made in your base currency. You must convert any foreign currency you may hold back to your account's base currency. Be sure to check your statement and consider any dividend or interest accruals. The conversion can be processed using the Trader Workstation FXTrader. IB will automatically convert non-Base currency balances when you submit a close account request and the balances are below USD 1,000 equivalent. If you need assistance with the conversion process please contact our Trade Desk.
Verify Bank Wire Instructions
For all non-USD based accounts, we will issue a wire based on the saved bank information (instruction) on file. If you do not have any saved bank information (instruction) for a Wire Withdrawal, create one.
Return Secure Login Device
If you participate in the Secure Login System, you must return your secure login device. Cash balances will be reduced by the cost of the device (between USD 20 and USD 150 depending on device) until the secure login device is returned.
For more information regarding how to return the device please contact our Technical Assistance Department or visit our web site: http://ibkb.interactivebrokers.com/node/975
IRA Accounts Withdrawals
IRA account holders will need to complete an IRA Withdrawal on the Funding > Fund Transfers page in Account Management and specify the type of withdrawal for government tax reporting purposes.
6. Ensure Recent Deposits Have Cleared
All recent deposits, such as ACH, check and wire transfers, must have time to clear according to the Customer Deposit Credit and Hold Periods policy before your request to close your account can be honored.
See the Funding Reference for details on credit and hold periods:
Check Statements and Tax Forms
To access activity statements and tax forms, log in to Account Management and open the Reports menu.
This information will only be available for a limited time after your account is closed. You will need to save your username and password for future access to statements.
Close Account
1. After you have completed all of the previous steps, log in to Account Management and select Manage Account > Settings > Close Account.
• For USD-based accounts only, we will initiate an ACH transfer if you have an existing ACH bank instruction. If you have more than one ACH bank instruction, select the ACH bank instruction you wish to use from the drop-down list on the Close Account page.
• For USD-based accounts only, if you do not have an existing ACH bank instruction, you can either create one in Account Management on the Fund Transfers page or we will issue a check to your U.S. mailing address on file. In the latter case, confirm that we have your correct U.S. mailing address by checking the address displayed on the Close Account page.
To make changes, open the Profile page in Account Management by selecting Manage Account > Account Information > Details.
2.Specify the reason you are closing your account by clicking the appropriate check boxes.
3. Click the Submit button to submit your request.
Your account will generally be held open for up to three months after you receive your closing withdrawal to collect any possible future fees, dividends, interest, or corporate actions. After that time, your account will be closed permanently.
4.Check back to see if any balance has been created on future statements.
5.You can view the status of your request to close your account by logging in to Account Management and selecting Manage Account > Settings > Close Account > Status.
If the above criteria are not met, our system will be unable to process your account closure request. Inactivity fees will continue to be deducted from an account until the above steps are completed, including the return of any Secure Login System device. Also note that funds held to secure the return of the security device may not be withdrawn until the device has been returned, and will be applied to meet any inactivity or market data fees.
Labels: brokerage
01 February 2018
来源: 火爆老头 于 2018-01-31 17:12:05 [档案] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 2878 次 (2707 bytes)
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先说vix的变化,算是回答蛋弟的问题。xiv对应的是未来30天的vix的期货,通过未来两个月的期货(F1,F2)的加权得到,和vix本身(spot value)没有直接的关系。vix未来的变化真的很难说,但是历史平均是16.5左右,中值不到15.5,所以有相当一部分时间是低于15的。vix一月份的变化还是很有规律的。老头在城头的帖子中(1月24日,http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/69997/201801/28862.html ),就说那几天vix逆市上涨,提醒各位注意,结果26日大市新高,然后是连续三天的调整。当时老头以为是大市太高,很多买家不少人买了vix期货用以hedge大市的可能变化。当然了,也有防止本周川爷SOTU和Fed meeting的作用。
今天,vix在逆市中回落,主要是三个原因。第一是股市已经调整了三天,弱手差不多都跑了;第二,川爷的SOTU比较出彩;第三,Feb meeting没有出现意外,所以vix就不好意思再在高位嘚瑟了,只能下来。至于未来能否低于11,老头以为是肯定的,不过是什么时候,是谁也说不准的事情。vix从去年八月一直低调,今年按照道理,应该要高涨一点,但是是否真的要去13的基准线也是见仁见智的事情,等大市走出来了再总结容易得多。
最近几家国际公司的报表,都出现了tax cut expense,让老头想到了一件事,是以前没有想到的。那就是,很多公司可能把本来是2018年的expense都提前放到了2017年的Q4,这样做的好处是抵消2017年的交税。因此,2018年Q1的额外助力有三层,一是税改的直接部分,二是从国外拿钱回来投资的预期性,三是17年Q4提前expense给18年Q1节省的开支,三者相加,预计Q1的结果要远比目前的估计要好。因此,老头觉得大市在Q1至少还有不少的增长,在5月份之前,甚至是6月之前都不会有大的调整。前景值得期待。
Labels: Reference
China to issue new five-year visas to attract foreigners of Chinese origin from 01 Feb 2018
Following changes to visa rules, foreigners of Chinese origin will be able to apply for visas valid for multiple entries over a period of five years, up from one year previously.
By Danson Cheong
SINGAPORE - Many ethnic Chinese living outside of China will be able to apply for visas valid for much longer stays from Thursday (Feb 1), as the country tries to attract overseas Chinese to live and do business there.
Following changes to visa rules, foreigners of Chinese origin will be able to apply for visas valid for multiple entries over a period of five years, up from one year previously.
The changes will also see validity periods for residency permits for these foreigners extended from three years to five, reported the state-run China Daily last week (Jan 23).
China's Ministry of Public Security announced these changes last week, and said the move is meant to make it easier for these foreigners to "return home" to visit their families, do business and attend to personal errands.
A foreigner of Chinese origin refers to either a former Chinese citizen who has obtained foreign citizenship, or the children of present or former Chinese citizens, according to China's official definition, reported the South China Morning Post.
Such an individual would need to have one parent, grandparent or ancestor who is or was a Chinese citizen.
The changes would most directly affect former Chinese citizens and their children, since it would be easier for them to prove their Chinese origin by submitting official documents issued by China, such as copies of their Chinese passports or identity cards, or those of their relatives.
Documents issued by overseas governments certifying their Chinese ethnicity can also be submitted but these would have to be assessed by the Chinese embassy or consulate in the country of their origin, according to the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office in Shanghai.
Some other countries with ancestry visas
United Kingdom
The UK issues ancestry visas to people who meet certain eligibility requirements.
They must be Commonwealth citizens, be applying from outside the country, planning and able to work in the UK, and able to prove that one of their grandparents was born in the country.
They can stay in the UK for five years on this visa and can also apply to settle in the country permanently.
Long-term resident visas allowing holders to stay for up to five years are issued to a narrow category of people, including those who have Japanese ancestry.
Such individuals could be second- and third-generation children of Japanese citizens who settled overseas, or grandchildren of Japanese nationals.
Foreigners who were formerly Indian nationals, and their children and grandchildren can register to be an Overseas Citizen of India.
This is a multiple entry, multi-purpose lifelong visa to visit the country.
South Korea
The country issues the F-4 visa to overseas Koreans, which include foreigners who were formerly Korean nationals, and their children and grandchildren.
These visa holders can stay and work in the country for up to two years, and can apply to extend their period of stay.
According to China Daily, Mr Qu Yunhai, director of the Ministry of Public Security's Exit and Entry Administration Bureau, said at a news conference last week that the move was an upgrade of similar measures issued in recent years to encourage overseas Chinese "to participate in China's economic development".
"Such rules have played a positive role in serving China's social and economic development and attracting talent with innovative and entrepreneurial spirit," he said.
Dr Yew Chiew Ping, head of the Singapore University of Social Sciences' contemporary China studies programme, said the visa changes are part of China's soft power strategy to reach out to more overseas Chinese.
"In this sense, the Chinese government may believe that overseas Chinese would develop more positive or favourable views of China once they visit or live there, and see for themselves the rapid and tremendous socio-economic transformation in the country," she said.
Ms Sun Xueling, chief executive of non-profit organisation Business China, said the new policy also complements China's goal to become a science and technology powerhouse, noting also that this would increase global competition for talent.
But she also added that the new visa, if executed well, would make it easier for Chinese Singaporeans to do business in China.
"China produces around 7 million graduates a year, but is adopting measures such as this to attract even more talents to power its economic growth," said Ms Sun.
Mr Charlie Li, who moved here from Shanghai when he was three and became a Singapore citizen 20 years ago, feels the visa changes would be useful for former Chinese citizens.
"I have grandparents in Shanghai, and this would make it easier for me if I need to return to take care of my grandparents when they get older," said the 29-year-old bank analyst.
By Danson Cheong
SINGAPORE - Many ethnic Chinese living outside of China will be able to apply for visas valid for much longer stays from Thursday (Feb 1), as the country tries to attract overseas Chinese to live and do business there.
Following changes to visa rules, foreigners of Chinese origin will be able to apply for visas valid for multiple entries over a period of five years, up from one year previously.
The changes will also see validity periods for residency permits for these foreigners extended from three years to five, reported the state-run China Daily last week (Jan 23).
China's Ministry of Public Security announced these changes last week, and said the move is meant to make it easier for these foreigners to "return home" to visit their families, do business and attend to personal errands.
A foreigner of Chinese origin refers to either a former Chinese citizen who has obtained foreign citizenship, or the children of present or former Chinese citizens, according to China's official definition, reported the South China Morning Post.
Such an individual would need to have one parent, grandparent or ancestor who is or was a Chinese citizen.
The changes would most directly affect former Chinese citizens and their children, since it would be easier for them to prove their Chinese origin by submitting official documents issued by China, such as copies of their Chinese passports or identity cards, or those of their relatives.
Documents issued by overseas governments certifying their Chinese ethnicity can also be submitted but these would have to be assessed by the Chinese embassy or consulate in the country of their origin, according to the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office in Shanghai.
Some other countries with ancestry visas
United Kingdom
The UK issues ancestry visas to people who meet certain eligibility requirements.
They must be Commonwealth citizens, be applying from outside the country, planning and able to work in the UK, and able to prove that one of their grandparents was born in the country.
They can stay in the UK for five years on this visa and can also apply to settle in the country permanently.
Long-term resident visas allowing holders to stay for up to five years are issued to a narrow category of people, including those who have Japanese ancestry.
Such individuals could be second- and third-generation children of Japanese citizens who settled overseas, or grandchildren of Japanese nationals.
Foreigners who were formerly Indian nationals, and their children and grandchildren can register to be an Overseas Citizen of India.
This is a multiple entry, multi-purpose lifelong visa to visit the country.
South Korea
The country issues the F-4 visa to overseas Koreans, which include foreigners who were formerly Korean nationals, and their children and grandchildren.
These visa holders can stay and work in the country for up to two years, and can apply to extend their period of stay.
According to China Daily, Mr Qu Yunhai, director of the Ministry of Public Security's Exit and Entry Administration Bureau, said at a news conference last week that the move was an upgrade of similar measures issued in recent years to encourage overseas Chinese "to participate in China's economic development".
"Such rules have played a positive role in serving China's social and economic development and attracting talent with innovative and entrepreneurial spirit," he said.
Dr Yew Chiew Ping, head of the Singapore University of Social Sciences' contemporary China studies programme, said the visa changes are part of China's soft power strategy to reach out to more overseas Chinese.
"In this sense, the Chinese government may believe that overseas Chinese would develop more positive or favourable views of China once they visit or live there, and see for themselves the rapid and tremendous socio-economic transformation in the country," she said.
Ms Sun Xueling, chief executive of non-profit organisation Business China, said the new policy also complements China's goal to become a science and technology powerhouse, noting also that this would increase global competition for talent.
But she also added that the new visa, if executed well, would make it easier for Chinese Singaporeans to do business in China.
"China produces around 7 million graduates a year, but is adopting measures such as this to attract even more talents to power its economic growth," said Ms Sun.
Mr Charlie Li, who moved here from Shanghai when he was three and became a Singapore citizen 20 years ago, feels the visa changes would be useful for former Chinese citizens.
"I have grandparents in Shanghai, and this would make it easier for me if I need to return to take care of my grandparents when they get older," said the 29-year-old bank analyst.
Labels: Reference