30 April 2014
Will continue to sell progressively every day as long as RSI 14 stays above 80; On the other hand, will buy progressively every day as long as RSI 14 stays below 20. I believe that these operations can progressively reduce overall average cost of holding G3B in the long term. - New strategy
Labels: Live Trading Records
Labels: Live Trading Records
28 April 2014
Will continue to sell progressively every day as long as RSI 14 stays above 80; On the other hand, will buy progressively every day as long as RSI 14 stays below 20. I believe that these operations can progressively reduce overall average cost of holding G3B in the long term. - New strategy
Labels: Live Trading Records
26 April 2014
Labels: Live Trading Records
25 April 2014
Will continue to sell progressively every day as long as RSI 14 stays above 80; On the other hand, will buy progressively every day as long as RSI 14 stays below 20. I believe that these operations can progressively reduce overall average cost of holding G3B in the long term. - New strategy
Labels: Live Trading Records
24 April 2014
Will continue to sell progressively every day as long as RSI 14 stays above 80; On the other hand, will buy progressively every day as long as RSI 14 stays below 20. I believe that these operations can progressively reduce overall average cost of holding ES3 in the long term. - New strategy
Labels: Live Trading Records
Will continue to sell progressively every day as long as RSI 14 stays above 80; On the other hand, will buy progressively every day as long as RSI 14 stays below 20. I believe that these operations can progressively reduce overall average cost of holding G3B in the long term. - New strategy
Labels: Live Trading Records
23 April 2014
Will continue to sell progressively every day as long as RSI 14 stays above 80; On the other hand, will buy progressively every day as long as RSI 14 stays below 20. I believe that these operations can progressively reduce overall average cost of holding G3B in the long term. - New strategy
Labels: Live Trading Records
22 April 2014
Will continue to sell progressively every day as long as RSI 14 stays above 80; On the other hand, will buy progressively every day as long as RSI 14 stays below 20. I believe that these operations can progressively reduce overall average cost of holding G3B in the long term. - New strategy
Labels: Live Trading Records
21 April 2014
Will continue to sell progressively every day as long as RSI 14 stays above 80; On the other hand, will buy progressively every day as long as RSI 14 stays below 20. I believe that these operations can progressively reduce overall average cost of holding G3B in the long term. - New strategy
Labels: Live Trading Records
18 April 2014
Labels: Live Trading Records
17 April 2014
Will continue to sell progressively every day as long as RSI 14 stays above 80; On the other hand, will buy progressively every day as long as RSI 14 stays below 20. I believe that these operations can progressively reduce overall average cost of holding G3B in the long term. - New strategy
Labels: Live Trading Records
16 April 2014
Will continue to sell progressively every day as long as RSI 14 stays above 80; On the other hand, will buy progressively every day as long as RSI 14 stays below 20. I believe that these operations can progressively reduce overall average cost of holding G3B in the long term. - New strategy
Labels: Live Trading Records
15 April 2014
Resigned from Saipem
Will continue to sell progressively every day as long as RSI 14 stays above 80; On the other hand, will buy progressively every day as long as RSI 14 stays below 20. I believe that these operations can progressively reduce overall average cost of holding G3B in the long term. - New strategy
Labels: Live Trading Records
Labels: Live Trading Records
14 April 2014
Will continue to sell progressively every day as long as RSI 14 stays above 80; On the other hand, will buy progressively every day as long as RSI 14 stays below 20. I believe that these operations can progressively reduce overall average cost of holding G3B in the long term. - New strategy
Labels: Live Trading Records
12 April 2014
Labels: Live Trading Records
11 April 2014
1. 着眼于长期回报
S&P 500有记录以来平均长期年回报为9.8%, 道指的平均年回报率为9.6%。 也就是说,历史证明,只要你的投资回报能达到股市的平均水平并且你有能力坚持10年以上,你就有几乎100% 的概率能够战胜市场波动,获取近10%的年收益。相对于每年3%左右的平均通货膨胀,这个回报率对大多数投资者来讲还算是不错吧。
2. 把买股票当作买生意
3. 制定自己的纪律
以上三点,是我个人的体会。但是,每个人的具体情况不一样,尤其是承担亏损风险的能力不一样,应该根据自己的财务状况总结出最适合自己的投资方法。如果你的主要投资目的是为退休做准备的话,欢迎经常访问我们的网站 早退休| zaotuixiu.com,大家多多交流。
Labels: Reference
Will continue to sell progressively every day as long as RSI 14 stays above 80; On the other hand, will buy progressively every day as long as RSI 14 stays below 20. I believe that these operations can progressively reduce overall average cost of holding G3B in the long term. - New strategy
Labels: Live Trading Records
10 April 2014
Will continue to sell progressively every day as long as RSI 14 stays above 80; On the other hand, will buy progressively every day as long as RSI 14 stays below 20. I believe that these operations can progressively reduce overall average cost of holding G3B in the long term. - New strategy
Labels: Live Trading Records
09 April 2014
Will continue to sell progressively every day as long as RSI 14 stays above 80; On the other hand, will buy progressively every day as long as RSI 14 stays below 20. I believe that these operations can progressively reduce overall average cost of holding G3B in the long term. - New strategy
Labels: Live Trading Records
08 April 2014
Will continue to sell progressively every day as long as RSI 14 stays above 80; On the other hand, will buy progressively every day as long as RSI 14 stays below 20. I believe that these operations can progressively reduce overall average cost of holding G3B in the long term. - New strategy.
Labels: Live Trading Records
07 April 2014
Market demonstrated again that individual companies are unreliable compared to ETFs.
Labels: Live Trading Records
Will continue to sell progressively every day as long as RSI 14 stays above 80; On the other hand, will buy progressively every day as long as RSI 14 stays below 20. I believe that these operations can progressively reduce overall average cost of holding G3B in the long term. - New strategy.
Labels: Live Trading Records
05 April 2014
Labels: Live Trading Records
Labels: Live Trading Records
Labels: Live Trading Records
Labels: Live Trading Records
Labels: Live Trading Records
04 April 2014
Will continue to sell progressively every day as long as RSI 14 stays above 80; On the other hand, will buy progressively every day as long as RSI 14 stays below 20. I believe that these operations can progressively reduce overall average cost of holding G3B in the long term. - New strategy.
Labels: Live Trading Records
Labels: Live Trading Records
Labels: Live Trading Records
03 April 2014
2. 如果你买了一个伟大的公司,你就坐那儿待着就行了。
4.人们破产的常见原因是不能控制心理上的纠结。你花了这么多心血、这么多金钱,花的越多,就越容易这么想:“估计快成了,再多花一点儿,就能成了……” 人们就是这么破产的----因为他们不肯停下来想想:“之前投入的就算没了呗,我承受得起,我还可以重新振作。我不需要为这件事情沉迷不误,这可能会毁了我的。”
Labels: Investment Quote, Warren Buffett
Will continue to sell progressively every day as long as RSI 14 stays above 80; On the other hand, will buy progressively every day as long as RSI 14 stays below 20. I expect that these operations can progressively reduce overall average cost of holding G3B in the long term. - New strategy.
Labels: Live Trading Records
Labels: Live Trading Records
02 April 2014
Labels: Live Trading Records
Labels: Live Trading Records